Saturday, November 7, 2009

Pow Wow Weekend

Veterans' day is a big deal in Indian Country. Indians serve in a much, much larger percentage than everyone else in the U.S. military. Indians love the USA and the flag it represents.

It's late, but I can hear the singing and the drums from over a mile away. Every powwow starts with the grand entrance, where the U.S flag is raised side by side with the eagle feather. At the parade today, i was able to see one of my grandsons wearing Air Force digital camo (his dad is going to A-stan directly). Two more were with us watching the parade. My generation watching and riding and walking in the parade ... Army, Air Force, Marines, and in remembrance of my Brother-in-law (Oklahoma Choctaw) who crossed over last month - both Marines and Army. The Navy sent us a contingent of sailors to march with in remembrance of our veterans. We had one vet who'd served in three wars. Many of our vets have served in Desert Storm as well as the present wars.

Yes, America conquered the nations. America also drew from our strength and made us a part of their nation. We are patriots. We will never forsake America.