Friday, February 18, 2011

Fire em' all

I've been watching the protests in Wisconsin with great interest. You should be too. This is only the first in what I think are going to be many more scenes like this. The time has finally come. It's the producers vs. the non-producers. It's the entitled vs. the non-entitled. Public vs. private. Thuggery alert is high...very high.

Of course, you and I know that these union/government employees have no legitimate gripe. If they accomplish their goal, it will be through sheer intimidation. This Wisconsin governor, Scott Walker, he deserves all your support. What he is doing is one of the most politically courageous acts I've seen in a long time. And many other governors, if they do the right thing, are going to be in his shoes very soon.

President Obama called the Governor's actions "an assault" on unions.  Hmmm...Weren't you the one, Obama, running around telling everyone to watch their tone? 

If I were running that show, I'd fire as many of those yahoos as I could. It's not like there isn't a long line of people willing to take their jobs.

Stand your ground Mr. Walker. Hold that line!
Watch this video of the Governor.