Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sad News

The four Americans captured recently by Somalian pirates have been found dead aboard their yacht. I apologize for no link, but the story is easy enough to find.

Not to make light of a very tragic situation, but one has to wonder what people are thinking when they travel the most dangerous waters on the planet in a small unarmed boat. I understand that these people believed that they were doing good by delivering Bibles to remote areas of the world and that their faith would protect them as they traveled. But Somalian pirates have a faith too, a faith in the weakness of developed nations to do a damned thing about these evil bastards who wreak havoc on the high seas. This isn't the 17th and 18th century anymore. Something must be done to discourage these kidnappings and killings.

An unfortunate truth is that the insurance companies that underwrite the policies for shipping vessels are reluctant to allow the craft to be armed. And most transit companies would rather pay the ransom than risk a more pro-active approach to the situation.

In any case, a greater naval and military presence in these waters is severely needed. If we start zapping the little bastards before they even get near a vessel might send the message that we are fed up and done with Somalian ignorance.

I for one am very tired of these Islamic assholes ruining every good day on the planet.

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