Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I do not like pigs

The Capt and I have meet, I believe, twice. More meetings were planned but as with many people with small children and wives, the plans fell through over and over. These plans usually involved guns and hurting animals that deserved it. You know, "fun". I believe the time has come where getting together is not only for our personal enjoyment, but a moral imperative. Pigs are taking over this great land of ours. Proving once again that when you give Mother Nature an inch she takes a mile, pigs are escaping the farm and turning into their wild selves almost immediately.

Pig Emergency!!!

Pigs belong on the farm looking nervous and talking to spiders with large vocabulary's. I propose some kind of Big Feed hunting expedition. We are what stands between America and a carpet full of muddy hoof prints. I pledge to destroy these hairy, creepy smart, cloven footed root nibblers and eat their naughty yet juicy flesh. You won't find that over at some liberal weenie blog. We are real men here. Hug me.

Your pal,
