Thursday, April 7, 2011


I was reading earlier that the election for Supreme Court Justice in Wisconsin has come down to a couple hundred votes.  No big surprise if some shenanagins (they call them "voting irregularities") aren't discovered, but more importantly I couldn't help but note how the "WINNING!" judge, a woman named Horkenheimer or some such, has a remarkable resemblance to the great rock and roll drummer Tommy Aldridge of Whitesnake, Ozzy, Thin Lizzy and Ted Nugent.  I considered doing a "Separated at Birth" post, but I couldn't with an honest heart pick on Tommy like that.  He is such a wonderful man, thankful of his fame in life and grateful to the glory of God, not to mention that he hails from my hometown.  In a meaningless six degrees of separation connection, my dad used to drink beer with a guy that did studio work with Tommy and dad's buddy, Mason, always remarked about how nice and classy Tommy was.

Anyway, this led me to watching a few videos of Tommy on YouTube and I found a video of Whitesnake performing at the MTV video awards in the late 80's playing their breakout hit "In the Still of the Night."  Other than it being hideous to watch because their performance was obviously syncronized to a track, even more horrifying was the voluminous amounts of giant hair on the men in the band.  I couldn't decide if lead singer David Coverdale looked more like Blair on The Facts of Life or Loni Anderson as Jennifer on WKRP in Cincinnati.

Then, for a moment, I spent a little while contemplating the theory that a potential universe could exist perhaps underneath a fingernail and that size is only relative to your own and we really have no idea how big anything is because of that.  To us an elephant is large, but maybe somewhere else there are elephants 10 "miles" tall and we would be as miniscule as an ant to them.  And maybe those elephants are made of soft biological metals, ever thought of that?  Metallic elephants 10 miles tall?

With that in mind, I watched the following video. . .

. . .and I decided that somewhere, in some faraway place, there is a fingernail that needs a good cleaning.  Perhaps it is our fingernail that needs a good scrape.  With all that's going on in the world these days, it is more and more difficult to accept the world as it is without feeling frustration and despair and a simple feeling that "we lost" somehow.  What happened to us?

To paraphrase Hunter S. Thompson, I look in the distance and I see the high water mark where the wave broke.  But let's not end it this way, all discombobulated and everyone pulling in every direction at once.  I feel that if we don't get ourselves in a better situation we will become an irritant to the fingernail under which we reside and it would be a real shame if that 10 mile tall elephant reached down with his long metallic trunk and snorted us away, ending it all so quickly, and without giving us a second chance at redemption.

At least for Tommy's sake.