Monday, April 18, 2011


Kinda lonely 'round this joint.

This weekend I was perusing the internet and for some reason the old George Carlin line about meatcake surfaced in my brain, so I spent a while watching Carlin videos on YouTube.  That's when I found the following mashup of George Carlin vs. that psychopathic nutter from the Westboro church who likes to go around and belch insanities at military funerals.  Obviously, since this is George Carlin, this video is NSFW and you'll have to excuse Carlin's admission to Queef Olbermann that he has the best cable show.  You must remember, Carlin used a lot of drugs. . .a lot of drugs and apparently was still on them at the time. 

And speaking of psychopathic nutters from hell, they were supposed to show up and protest at a local Marine's funeral Saturday, but the fine folks of Mississippi turned out in force to ensure that it did not happen.  No one is even sure if the Westboro people even showed up. Probably good for them that they didn't.  Rest in peace eternally Staff Sgt. Jason Rogers.