Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Journalism .101

Any reporter of competence knows the 5 W's of reporting.  Let us begin:

Who: California Teachers Union
What: Endorses cop killer
Where: Teacher Union Conference
When:  Last week
Why:  Who in the hell knows?

More proof that liberalism is a mental illness, and apparently an illness without a cure unless supporting any manner of non-conformance with the mores, rules and laws of civilized society qualifies as a cure.

A cop killer is a cop killer and I don't give two shits if this "prison journalist" writes the next Nobel Prize for Literature selection.  A killer is a killer and he deserves to pay for his crime.  And what in the world is a teachers union 3000 miles away doing passing a resolution in support of this turd?  What is the connection?  Cuz you know, the first thing I always think of when teaching children is black power cop killers.  2+2=down with Segregationst Soldier Cop!