Thursday, June 2, 2011

She's Baaaaacckkk!

Not that she actually went away.  We couldn't be so lucky.

Debbie Wasserman-Shultz (D-ee Snider) is oh, how can I say this in a politically correct manner.  I can't.  She is a freakin' retard.  What's next from this woman?  Nanny-nanny-boo-boo, stick-your-head-in-doo-doo?

The DNC must be so proud of her.  No facts, no figures, no answers, no solutions.  Just hyperbole, demagoguery, lies, and deceit.  Liberal? Yes.  Hack?  Of course! Totally out of touch with the realities that are destroying this country?   Completely! 

Hey DNC??  Dare I say it, but Mission Accomplished!

And by the way Deb, you are the last person that should mention looking in a mirror.  It appears your haven't seen one in about 25 years.