Friday, June 24, 2011

You Are Not Alone

. . .but after reading the following article, you might wish to be.

People have been eating strange things for thousands of years: sheep testicles, pork brains, shark meat soaked in lye, cheese with maggots in it. Practically, if it can be chewed, masticated, or just gulped down in one shot, then man has probably tried it at least once.

And as a culinarian and former chef, I appreciate a well thought out and creative meal that pushes the envelope of the norm, however. . .and this is a big ol' however, I must draw the line when food involves a horse boner.

Yes, I said horse boner.  Prepare yourself for the "money shot":

From The Dominion Post:

While the rest of the meal of seared Asian duck and pork and paua spring rolls sounds delicious - it is the Hoihoi tatea, or horse semen drink which is on everyone's minds.


I can't even follow up with a punch line that doesn't involve sounds of me gagging. . .