Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Surviving Recovery Summer II, part 3

Remember all those trips to Costco or BJ's back in the day? Your cart bursting with all of life's little necessities. And sometimes some not so necessary stuff? 10 pounds of chopped meat for the BBQ...check. 6 cases of Becks...check. 55 gallon drum of mayonnaise...check. Remember how grateful you were when you got back out to the parking lot that you had a trusty SUV to haul that stuff home? Well those days are over. Obamanomics has put an end to all that. Today you are lucky enough to tuck into a rat sandwich while you play fetch with your pet rat. Your SUV was long ago traded in for small plot of dirt in your local Obamaville. Enjoy your stay. But you still will need something that can hold a lot of goods. You'll be trolling the rich neighborhoods looking for scraps of wood to burn or some bottles to trade in. Maybe an old toilet seat for little Timmy to play with? Whatever. What I'm trying to say is you will need a shopping cart. Any supermarket that is still in business will have them for free right out front. Just follow these easy steps to shopping cart ownership:

1) Walk to the parking lot of your local supermarket.
2) Ask the lady loading her car if she still needs that cart.
3) Run


You own a 2011 Obamaville SUV!

Stay tuned for more exciting tips on surviving Recovery Summer II!