Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What's Next?

The ACLU is an enigma.  Thoroughly infested with left-wing activists and attorneys, but an enigma nonetheless.  Generally speaking they attack this country's basic values at every chance, but every now and then, they manage to cross the wide dividing line between us and them.  As it is often said, even a blind squirrel gets a nut, but this is not one of those cases.

The only nut getting here is. . .

The ACLU has now decided that prisoners in South Carolina should have ready access to developmental materials such as job training programs, GED classes and interpretive personality development administration. 

No, just a moment, I must have misread the article. 

The ACLU is arguing that prisoners in South Carolina should have ready access to ample supplies of pornography.

Forgive me if I am misinformed, but when a person enters a prison it is because he or she has contributed to society in a negative fashion and therefore, has elected by his or her poor decision making skills to give up some of the inalienable rights afforded by the Constitution.  And once said person has restituted themselves to the state and is released into the general population again these rights are more or less restored.  This would include the right to spank it to the latest issue of Juggs magazine.

Maybe it is just me, but if I were in prison, I do not think I would want to expose myself to anything that would purposely put me in an advanced state of readiness for some thug to come toss my salad or some such other extra-curricular activity.

But according to the ACLU, this is all just fine and dandy.  Just like abolishing all forms of prayer in school, no candy cane Jesus pencils, no Ten Commandments in the courthouse, but teaching 4th graders about hermaphrodites and transsexuals is just fine and dandy.  What else?

The fabric of this one great nation has been ripped apart and scurrying out from within are millions of insidious cockroaches intent on spreading the vile multi-culti disease of social degeneration.  One day we are going to wake up to find ourselves in a great, post-apocalyptic wasteland of freaks and gazoos with the moral compass of our nation bashed to bits by the constant flailing attack of "equality and fairness".

Sorry to disappoint you and millions of your felonious fans Tera. . .but I just don't see this lawsuit getting anywhere other than clogging up an already overwhelmed court system for no good reason.  Hey, did the ACLU learn that from prison inmates?