Sunday, June 8, 2008


Look at this guy slobbering all over himself with white guilt. Yeah. I wouldn't put my name on the editorial either if I were this damn deluded.

"Mr Obama is not weighed down by the baggage of what Americans call the 'Culture Wars'. He is too young to have either served or dodged service in Vietnam, for example.

That distinction does not readily translate to British politics, but the potential appeal of a candidate who transcends social and party political divisions does.

Britain is sometimes caricatured as a political annexe of the US. That is most unfair. But our party leaders have traditionally looked across the Atlantic for inspiration. So one recent opinion poll won't have escaped their notice. It showed that, if Britons had a vote in the American election, a substantial majority would choose Barack Obama."
"Transcends social and party political divisions"? WTF? He didn't even garner more popular votes than his primary opponent. The only thing we know about his past is that he spent the last 20 years worshiping under a racist pastor, was friends with an angry wigger, had his campaign jump started by domestic terrorists, and has a wife who is only proud of her country when her husband is promoted politically. Sure Britain, follow America's example and elect a leader of such questionable associations and with zero accomplishments. Do it. It will give America someone to hang with in the soup line.