Tuesday, August 5, 2008


From The Strata-Sphere:

From some discussions with folks who are tied into the intelligence community I have learned that there does exist circumstantial evidence that Ayman al-Zawahiri was injured and/or killed recently, most likely in the July 28th strike in South Waziristan Agency. Like others with sources into the IC, I am hearing there is a serious lack of solid collaborating evidence, but that lack of solid evidence is in both directions. It neither proves Zawahiri is fine or otherwise. Therefore the circumstantial evidence that Zawahiri is injured, dying or dead still stands, albeit unproven either way.

I have been noting the quiet over this matter, which tells me the evidence is strong, but not bullet proof. Everyone in the IC and in the media seems to be keeping their powder dry, waiting on something firm one way or the other. The more likely it is Zawahiri is hurt or dead, the more solid the evidence needs to be before people get up in front of the world to announce his demise. This is a fact of life, no one needs to claim Zawahiri has been taken out until there is solid proof.

And solid proof is hard to come by when the bodies have been recovered and controlled by the enemy. But there are ways which take days to work through. I suspect we may know for sure if Zawahiri was present at the strike site very soon.