Tuesday, December 27, 2011
"Youths" Riot in Mall of America
From KARE:
Fists flew and so did a few chairs during a large-scale brawl at the Mall of America Monday. No official lockdown of the mall occurred, but some stores did close their doors until order was restored. A statement from the Mall of America call this incident "unfortunate especially during the holidays." The statement went on to say, "As with any incident we will review our securityoomington Police to see if any changes are required."
Friday, December 23, 2011
Occupy Protesters Fly Al Qaeda and and Hizballah Flags
People monitoring the Occupy D.C. movement tell Inside the Ring that the two encampments are fast becoming health hazards. Numerous protesters also recently were sickened with unusual respiratory illnesses.
The major emerging problem for the leftists camped out in tents at McPherson Square and Freedom Plaza is rats. The rodents appear to be moving into the area by the hundreds, and their numbers are increasing daily.
The McPherson camp appears be where more radical leftists are based. An observer familiar with the McPherson camp said one distinctive smell coming from the park area is that of methamphetamine being smoked.
Among the flags being flown by some protesters are those from the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas, the Iranian-backed Hezbollah and al Qaeda.Let's not forget folks. Obama is on their side.
Judge Wins the Captain Obvious Award
Mr Pownall asked: 'Who else could it have been if it wasn't you?' and Boudjenane replied: 'I can't remember.'
Mr Pownall asked if he used that cleaver to cut his head off, but Boudjenane said: 'I don't know.'
Judge Moss told him: 'I have no doubt on the evidence that you intended to kill him. Thereafter, you insulted his dead body by mutilation. You decapitated his body and tried to dismember him.
'You disposed of the head and body in an attempt as I find to avoid capture. You are, it seems to me, a very dangerous individual.'The judge then proceeded to cut 6 years off of his life sentence. Dangerous. But not that dangerous.
Boudjenane met the 42-year-old Filipina nanny at a party a few months before the attack, the Old Bailey heard at the original trial.
She worked in Oxford but on February 3 ran into him outside a newsagents in Kilburn, and reluctantly agreed to go to his flat.
He double locked the front door, tied her up with shoelaces and shaved off her hair, raping her twice.
The court heard Boudjenane threatened to kill her by putting her in a tub of boiling water and also accused her of being a prostitute and having sex with 'the man upstairs' - Mr Ouyahia.
But he let her go the next day after she repeatedly promised to become a Muslim to marry him.
He went to Sainsbury's at around 8pm to buy bleach, Dettol and a mop as he plotted to kill Mr Ouyahia, and was next seen boarding a bus carrying a 'head-shaped' bag on February 5.read the rest
What Do Americans Really Think of Liberal Policies? - Mass Exodus from Illinois
Recent data from the Internal Revenue Service shows that, in 2009, Illinois netted a loss of people to 43 states, including each of its neighbors – Wisconsin, Indiana, Missouri, Kentucky and Iowa. Over the course of the entire year, the state saw a net of 40,000 people leave Illinois for another state.
The data reflects a continuation of a trend of out-migration from Illinois that has lasted more than a decade. Between 1995 and 2009, the state lost on a net basis more than 806,000 people to out-migration.
When people leave, they take their income and their talent with them. In 2009 alone, Illinois lost residents who took with them a net of $1.5 billion in taxable income. From 1995 to 2009, Illinois lost out on a net of $26 billion in taxable income to out-migration.Here's a map. You might notice some of the other liberal states that are losing population as well.
Source: Illinois Policy Institute
Obama's Drunk Illegal Alien Uncle is Blaming Cops for His Arrest
Lawyers for President Obama’s illegal alien half-uncle are going after the beat cop who busted him on a drunken-driving rap, chasing internal affairs records they hope will paint him as a serial squad-car speeder.
Onyango Obama never would have been stopped and subjected to a breath test, which lawyers also are contesting, if it weren’t for the cop’s bad driving, his lawyers insist.
“It will be our contention that the officer nearly caused the accident by nearly hitting Obama,” defense attorney William L. Harvey III told the Herald, saying he believes patrolman Val Krishtal was going “well above the speed limit” at the time of the near-crash.
Obama’s August drunken-driving arrest brought to light his history as a 20-year immigration fugitive who had been living quietly and holding down a job at a local liquor store.
And that recently, his cousin met with Iranian leader Ahmadinejad.
And who can forget that his cousin was arrested on drug charges?
Or that other brother who was accused of sexual abuse of a teen?
And finally, here are some things every American should know about Obama's Kenyan family.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Normandy, Then and Now
See it here
Boat Loaded with Patriot Missles Stopped in Finland...On its Way to China

Finnish officials find 160 tonnes of explosives and 69 Patriot missiles on the British-registered cargo ship bound for Shanghai.
Around 160 tonnes of explosives and 69 surface-to-air missiles have been found by Finnish officials on a cargo ship bearing a British flag and ultimately destined for China, authorities say. They said they did not know the origin of the Patriot missiles or who was supposed to receive them.I've read that the shipment is supposedly legal, and that the missles are on their way to South Korea. Really? This is how we ship our military weapons? Like it's Fed Ex or something? And we don't suspect that these missles will fall into the wrong hands?
"Of course, there are legal transports of weapons or defense material (through Finland) but in this case the cargo was marked as containing fireworks," Rasanen told national broadcaster YLE TV. "That is quite unusual."
The Military and Political Genius of Barack Obama
More than 60 people died in Iraq today as a result of 14 different bomb attacks. This just days after we took all our troops out of the country.
GWP has video.
Obama's policies are a lot like this golf cart.
This Guy Needs to Fry
A young father is now the subject of a police probe after a shocking photo of his daughter with her hands and feet bound was posted on Facebook.
Andre Curry, 21, of Chicago, has generated intense internet backlash after he posted the photo in July.
The photo is slapped with the caption 'this is wut happens wen my baby hits me back'.
Je’Vanna Cobbins, a friend of Curry's, told The Smoking Gun that he was just “playing around,' and would 'never do anything to harm anyone.'
She said: '[He was] being playful with his child. People play with their child differently'.WTF!!!??? People play with their child differently? Sure. Just like Michael Vick played with his dogs differently. Shut the hell up Je'Vanna!
the rest
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
My New Favorite Lawmaker - "Michelle Obama Has a Fat Ass"
He's not saying anything Barry doesn't already know.
Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wisc.), known for his cantankerous ways and for not speaking to media unless it’s his idea, was overheard at the Delta Crown lounge at Reagan National Airport today talking on his cellphone about an incident he said occurred three weeks ago while at an Episcopal church auction. Please note, a church auction.
Our source, a Democratic operative who heard the whole thing, said he was “very loud”. Sensenbrenner was overheard saying that after buying all their “crap” (his word) a woman approached him and praised first lady Michelle Obama. He told the woman that Michelle should practice what she preaches — “she lectures us on eating right while she has a large posterior herself.”
Matt Damon Falls Out of Love with Obama
Matt Damon, one of Barack Obama's earliest supporters and once one of his most staunch advocates, slammed the President in the new issue of Elle Magazine.
"I've talked to a lot of people who worked for Obama at the grassroots level. One of them said to me, 'Never again. I will never be fooled again by a politician,'" Damon tells the magazine. "You know, a one-term president with some balls who actually got stuff done would have been, in the long run of the country, much better."But you see Matt? The damage has already been done. You should apologize for your enormous and harmful stupidity. And never, ever, again think you are qualified to pubicly support any political candidate. Just because you played a genius in the movies, doesn't make you one.
The Top 10 Most Bizarre Wars
The War of the Oaken BucketRead the rest of the list here
This war began in 1325, when a rivalry between the independent city states of Modena and Bologna spiraled out of control over the most unlikely of things, a wooden bucket. The trouble started when a band of Modena soldiers raided Bologna and stole a large wooden bucket. The raid was successful, but Bologna, wishing to secure both its bucket and its pride, declared war on Modena. The war raged on for twelve whole years but Bologna never did manage to get its bucket back. To this day the bucket is still stored in Modena’s bell tower.
Syrian Freedom Protesters Call for a Return of George Bush
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
If You Don't beleive in Global Warming, Your Brain isn't Working Correctly
Health Food Lunches a Big Flop at Los Angeles Schools
But Iraides Renteria and Mayra Gutierrez don't even bother to line up. Iraides said the school food previously made her throw up, and Mayra calls it "nasty, rotty stuff." So what do they eat? The juniors pull three bags of Flamin' Hot Cheetos and soda from their backpacks.
"This is our daily lunch," Iraides says. "We're eating more junk food now than last year."
Participation in the school lunch program has dropped by thousands of students. Principals report massive waste, with unopened milk cartons and uneaten entrees being thrown away. Students are ditching lunch, and some say they're suffering from headaches, stomach pains and even anemia. At many campuses, an underground market for chips, candy, fast-food burgers and other taboo fare is thriving.
Acknowledging the complaints, L.A. Unified's food services director, Dennis Barrett, announced this month that the menu would be revised. Hamburgers will be offered daily. Some of the more exotic dishes are out, including the beef jambalaya, vegetable curry, pad Thai, lentil and brown rice cutlets, and quinoa and black-eyed pea salads. And the Caribbean meatball sauce will be changed to the more familiar teriyaki flavor.
My Deposition Did Not Go So Well
I should have taken tips on how to handle a deposition from this lady.
Ann Coulter Prefers Ron Paul Over Newt Gingrich
Can we please stop with the Newt Gingrich for President talk? Newt can't win! Yeah, I get it. He's the smartest man in the room. Brilliant. I think that now. And I thought that 20 years ago. Before he philandered and waffled. But he cannot win. So stop already with the principled stance over what is the obvious reality. Don't be a schmuck.
By the way, this is not an endorsement of Ron Paul. I don't think can win either.
It's Poke Islam in the Eye Time
Was Baseball Invented in the Middle Ages?
‘Found in the margins of a calendar in a 14th-century Flemish book of hours. Various historians of sport have identified this as a version of “stool ball” or “stump ball”, which was baseball played with only one base’
Innovation in a Nanny State: Medicinecicles
Our daughter is having a fever and is refusing to take her medicine. So, last night, I pulled a parenting-mcgyver and created a medicine-ice-lollipop. I am happy to report that it totally worked!Please do not compare this feat of wankerness to anything McGyver might do. McGyver can take out an entire soviet platoon with just a paper clip and a paper bag. And still have supplies left over.
Jesus, Mary, Joseph...and Hugo
A nativity scene in Caracas, Venezuela goes beyond the traditional cast of characters of the baby Jesus, Mary, Joseph, the wise men, shepherds and angels. At the center, right below Jesus’ crib, stands a figurine depicting President Hugo Chavez, along with scenes of his “flagship socialist projects,” according to a recent Reuters report.
Illegal Aliens Can Get a Free "Obama Phone"
Illegal aliens now quite possibly can call a toll free government number, 1-800-259-0957, to get a free “Obama Phone.” The program, conventionally known as Safe Link Wireless, is available to those are on food stamps or Medicaid. Applying for work permits that give them drivers’ licenses provides illegals proof of identity. With that, they enter America’s entitlement class and even become enabled to vote in our elections — for Democrats, of course.
The Obama administration has set up a cascading series events, beginning back in August when deportation of tens of thousands of illegal immigrants was suspended, pending reviews. “A review of about 300,000 deportation cases currently before the immigration courts,” will be done by the DOJ and Homeland Security to “halt deportations of longtime residents with clean police records who came here illegally when they were children,” according to a New York Times article.
Read the rest hereA source contacted me saying she translated Latino publications, and they are urging Hispanic illegals to be sure to get their work permits, so they can get drivers’ licenses, so they can register to vote. In the Chicago way, are we seeing the Obama campaign begin now to pad their Democrat voter lists by providing illegals incentives to vote for Obama by paving the way to sidestep those onerous voter ID rules about 35 states have enacted?
Barney Frank Wears Revealing Shirt On House Floor
Barney Frank Wears Revealing Shirt On House Floor
Go here to have fun with Barney's Teets.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Van Buren Street
Super Whacky Muslim Fun Time: The Skating King of Pakistan
Biden: "The Taliban is Not Our Enemy"
Look, the Taliban per se is not our enemy. That’s critical. There is not a single statement that the president has ever made in any of our policy assertions that the Taliban is our enemy because it threatens U.S. interests. If, in fact, the Taliban is able to collapse the existing government, which is cooperating with us in keeping the bad guys from being able to do damage to us, then that becomes a problem for us.This? This is the foreign policy genius touted during Obama's election campaign?
Christmas...The Way We Were
Video: North Koreans Crying Over Death of Kim Jong
Saudi Prince Invests $300 Million in Twitter
Prince Walid bin Talal of Saudi Arabia announced he had taken a $300 million stake in the social media site Twitter, as he continues to expand his holdings in the United States.
The investment by Prince Walid and the Kingdom Holding Company represents roughly 3 percent of Twitter. Prince Walid, who owns 95 percent of Kingdom Holding, said in a statement that the purchase was part of a strategy “to invest in promising, high-growth businesses with a global impact.”$300 Million is only 3% of Twitter? WTF!!!!! That is one big bubble. Don't wanna be anywhere near that when it pops.
Kim Jong Dead
Friday, December 16, 2011
Breast Implant Disappears During Pilates
A cancer survivor has had to have further surgery after her body 'swallowed' her breast implant during a Pilates exercise. The 59-year-old from Baltimore, Maryland, had been performing the 'Valsalva' manoeuvre when she felt the implant disappear into her body.
She was taken to the Johns Hopkins hospital in the city where surgeons found the implant and reinstated it.
Christian Bale Gets Roughed Up By the Chinese - But Not Rough Enough
Hollywood actor Christian Bale was roughed up by Chinese security guards as he tried to visit a blind legal activist whose detention has sparked international outcry.
Bale, joined by a camera crew from CNN, was confronted by four men dressed in plain clothes as he tried to visit Chen Guangcheng who has been under house arrest in the Dongshigu village for 15 months.Uh...Okay, he brings a CNN camera crew with him? I see this was purely a matter of principle for Mr. Bale. Not some hollywood photo-op. It has nothing to do with Bale's new Batman movie coming out soon.
'Why can I not visit this free man?' Bale can be heard repeatedly asking the security officers, while they were pushing him.Yeah you flaming retard, that's because he's not free. He's in CHINA, and HE'S UNDER HOUSE ARREST. China + House Arrest = Not Free
Here's video.
Russian Playmate Elected to Parliament
A Playboy playmate has been elected as one of Vladimir Putin’s MPs in the Russian parliament, giving him some cheer after all the recent protests against election fraud by his party.
Maria Kozhevnikova, 27, an actress, posed nude for the Russian edition of the magazine two years ago soon after breaking up from a boyfriend.
Read the rest
Chopping Down a Christmas Tree...With a Shotgun
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Super Whacky Muslim Fun Time: Taking the Camels for a Ride
Abu Jamma said that the car's driver explained to him that he was smuggling the camels to the Palestinian territories to be slaughtered and sold for meat. "It is less expensive than lamb. For the price of four sheep, you can buy one camel," he explained.
High School Kids Kissing Their Own Parents
h/t IOTW
UPDATE: The principal of the school has issued a somewhat lame apology.
Um... about that stealth drone....
Well it turns out the Iranians actually hijacked that drone and made it land in Iran. Oh yeah they hacked the GPS, punched in a coordinate inside Iran, jammed the communications with its host and made it fall back to auto pilot. Which made it think it was returning to base only the GPS coordinates where to Iran. Holy Crap! How do I know this? Eh, I just read it somewhere and I'm too lazy to go back to get the link... You'll hear about it I'm sure...
What's that Doris?
I'll be damned. I bet they're pretty pleased with themselves over there in prehistoric land...
Free Government Cell Phone - While Supplies Last
"Thanks to the FCC-mandated, government-sponsored program, called LifeLine Assistance, the financially disadvantaged can receive a free government cell phone and up to 250 free minutes every month. Almost ten million other Americans already participate, and tens of millions more qualify to enroll."Almost ten million already participate? WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!
Read about it here
Not So Great Moments in Conservative History (Vol. 1)
Pooty Poot Mocks Protesters
“I have to say honestly,” he said, “when I saw on television several people wearing these things on their chests, I know it’s indecent, but anyway, I thought it was some kind of propaganda in the fight against AIDS, as if they put a condom there, and tied it for some reason.”And take that comment in context with President Medvedev's tweet just last week when he refferred to a protest blocker as a "stupid coc*sucking sheep".
Doesn't sound like the two of them are all that worried about change in Russia.
Open Revolt Against the Communist Party in China
For the first time on record, the Chinese Communist party has lost all control, with the population of 20,000 in this southern fishing village now in open revolt.
The last of Wukan’s dozen party officials fled on Monday after thousands of people blocked armed police from retaking the village, standing firm against tear gas and water cannons.
Since then, the police have retreated to a roadblock, some three miles away, in order to prevent food and water from entering, and villagers from leaving. Wukan’s fishing fleet, its main source of income, has also been stopped from leaving harbour.
The plan appears to be to lay siege to Wukan and choke a rebellion which began three months ago when an angry mob, incensed at having the village’s land sold off, rampaged through the streets and overturned cars.
Although China suffers an estimated 180,000 “mass incidents” a year, it is unheard of for the Party to sound a retreat.Read the rest...
Really? Who is John Hawkins?
I wonder how many times Mr. Hawkins has come to this site.
This list is ridiculous. A good half of those sites can't carry our jocks. Although half of them should be carrying it.
Link farms make the list? Why? And Michelle Malkin's blog is on this list? Malkin's blog is one of the least entertaining conservative blogs out there. And it certainly doesn't make up for it's boredom by providing great insight. American Thinker is not on the list at all. That omission invalidates this list in it entirety.
It's cool. I realize that the 5 people who read this blog on a daily basis know the score. Right Mom?
I'm not happy about this...
I like video games
So does the Capt.
And so do lizards...
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
TIME Names "Protesters" as Person of the Year
Here's Something Scary - Terrorist Attack Plot Revealed
A bombshell documentary aired last Thursday by Univision, the largest Spanish language television network in the U.S., exposed efforts for an attack “worse that the World Trade Center” by using a “digital bomb.” The report “uncovered covert recordings of the alleged Iranian plan to cripple the computer systems of the White House, the FBI, the CIA and several nuclear power plants.”
Implicated in the cyber plot is Mohammad Hassan Ghadiri, a former Iranian Ambassador to Mexico, who is caught on video accepting a plan from undercover Mexican university students. The Univision documentary aired in Spanish was summarized in a report by Israel Ortega and James Phillips of the Heritage Foundation. As the following excerpt explains, the Mexican students received enthusiastic support for the plot from Venezuelan and Cuban officials as well.
“The documentary showed a former Iran senior official accepting a plan to launch from Mexico a cyber war on the United States, one that would cripple U.S. computer systems, including the White House, the FBI, the CIA and several nuclear plants. The official, former Iranian Ambassador to Mexico Mohammad Hassan Ghadiri, was shown accepting the offer from undercover Mexican university students.”Read the rest...
Merry Christmas from the Not So Sure About Themselves Boys
Tebowphobia, Big Foot and Jacked Up Squirrels
If Tebow wins the Super Bowl, against all odds, it will buoy his faithful, and emboldened faithful can do insane things, like burning mosques, bashing gays and indiscriminately banishing immigrants. While America has become more inclusive since Jerry Falwell’s first political forays, a Tebow triumph could set those efforts back considerably.Why do Jews hate Jesus?
In other news, there has been a rare Bigfoot sighting. There is photo proof.
Chelsea Clinton is a Flop
The reviews:
‘Clinton… seems like a very nice young woman. She is obviously bright, although we already suspected she was that as well. Otherwise, there was nothing else that necessarily dismissed charges (mostly by TV critics, although they were not alone) that she got this job because of that name’ (Verne Gay, Newsday)
"The former first daughter appeared poised and well-prepared, though a bit nervous’ (Caitlin McDevitt, Politico)
‘Chelsea doesn’t “pop” off the screen, to use an industry term – her demeanour is reserved, she doesn’t project her voice like a broadcaster. Not that most viewers probably cared’ (Howard Kurtz, Daily Beast)
‘What was surprising to see on Monday night’s show is how someone can be on TV in such a prominent way and, in her big moment, display so very little charisma – none at all. Either we’re spoiled by TV’s unlimited population of giant personalities or this woman is one of the most boring people of her era’ (Hank Stuever, Washington Post)Hank Stuever, writing for the Washington Post, said she displayed ’so very little charisma – none at all.’ He wrote: ‘Either we’re spoiled by TV’s unlimited population of giant personalities or this woman is one of the most boring people of her era.’
Separated at birth?
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
The Dollar Menu
CASHIER: (In a polite and courteous voice)Welcome to McDonald's, can I take your order?
LAFREAKWA: (In a ghetto jive ass voice). Uhhhh....yeah...can I getcho dollar cheeseburger?
CASHIER: Okay, I have one McDouble, will that be all?
LAFREKWA: Uhhhh....(Looking over her shoulder to a child in the rear seat)...Shut up Matisha, I'm trying to order food...Damn!...Uhhh...yeah...Can you put lettuce on that?
CASHIER: Ummm...Okay...Will that be all?
LAFREAKWA: And can you put tomato on that too?
CASHIER: Uhhh...Okay...That'll be $1.09.
LAFREAKWA: Uh yeah...I want some mac sauce on dat too.
CASHIER: I'm sorry?
LAFREAKWA: Mac sauce! I want some mac sauce on dat!
CASHIER: Ma'am, you're ordering from the dollar menu, and trying to make a dollar cheeseburger into a Big Mac, we can't do that.
LAFREAKWA: Whatchu mean you cain't do dat....Shut up Matisha!...Uhhh...You need to do dat. That's whatchu you need to do.
CASHIER: If you would like a Big Mac, maybe you should order a Big Mac.
LAFREAKWA: I don't want no Big Mac. I want the dollar double cheeseburger. Wit' lettuce, tomato and mac sauce.
CASHIER: That's pretty much a Big Mac. I'm not giving you that for a dollar.
LAFREAKWA: Whatchu mean you ain't gonna give me dat? Bitch, I wanna talk to yo manager!
CASHIER: You're talking to me, and that ain't gonna happen. And if you keep talking shit, I'm gonna come out there and snatch you bald!
LAFREAKWA: Well den, bring yo cheeseburger selling ass out here. I'll squeeze the mac sauce out yo head.
CASHIER: I get a break in 15 minutes. Why don't you wait around.
LAFREAKWA; Forget you bitch. My kid is hongry. Ima go to Jack in the Box. Y'all rude here.
CASHIER: Good then. Take your hungry kid and go on then.
LaFreakwa drives away....
China in Seychelles
China will consider turning to the Seychelles as a resupply port for navy ships taking part in anti-piracy operations off Africa, official media said, rejecting suggestions this would amount to a military base that could unsettle the region.
Chinese ships participating in a multi-nation campaign against pirates striking out from Somalia have already used ports in Djibouti, Oman, and Yemen to repair and to take aboard supplies, according to the Chinese Foreign Ministry.
A resupply port in the Seychelles, an island country in the western Indian Ocean 1,600 km (1,000 miles) off the African coast, could raise concerns in India, which has been wary of China's growing military reach.Meanwhile, just this past week...
China's navy should speed up its development and prepare for warfare, President Hu Jintao has said.
He told military personnel they should "make extended preparations for warfare".
China is locked in territorial disputes with several other nations in the South China Sea. Political tension is also growing with the US, which is seeking to boost its presence in the region.You know those good ol' boys from the American south, that disproportionately fill the ranks of our military? The ones that will fight to the death for this country? Well...the Chinese have those same types. By the billions!
Grenade Attack in Belgium - Authorities Don't Know Who the Attackers Are
Reports say several men threw grenades and fired on a crowd at a bus stop in Place Saint Lambert A gun and grenade attack in the centre of the Belgian city of Liege has killed at least two people and wounded 47 including a toddler, media say.
Witnesses say a man in his 40s threw grenades at a bus stop in Place Saint Lambert, a busy square. At least two other men are thought to be involved. Reports say one of the attackers is among the dead. Local media say another has been detained, while a third is involved in a stand-off with police.
It is not clear who the attackers are.
There are reports of a fourth man escaping the scene.
TV images showed blood splattered across the cobblestones.
Monday, December 12, 2011
The Plastic President
His likeness has been commemorated on T-shirts, mugs, plates, and even bobbleheads.
But now President Barack Obama has been celebrated in a much more lifelike manner – as a mannequin.
A Las Vegas company says the demand for a Barack Obama mannequin was so great that they decided to produce it for retail use.
"Oooohhh....I'm tellin' Mama"
Read the rest here
Even the Homeless Can't Stand the Occupiers
Sunday, December 11, 2011
My goodness! Tebow does it again. Amazing! It's great to see this man do what he's doing in this nation where so many hate the man because of his outspoken belief in Jesus Christ. Keep proving them wrong Timmy. Keep proving them wrong.
Ralph the Swimming Pig: The Cousin Kenny Chronicles (Vol. 13)