Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What do Egyptians Really Think?

While the American left celebrates the revolution in Egypt, having no idea what will follow Mubarek's ouster, and while the liberal media paints this as some sort of secular movement, consider these poll results:
According to a Pew opinion survey of Egyptians from June 2010, 59 percent said they back Islamists. Only 27% said they back modernizers. Half of Egyptians support Hamas. Thirty percent support Hizbullah and 20% support al Qaida. Moreover, 95% of them would welcome Islamic influence over their politics. When this preference is translated into actual government policy, it is clear that the Islam they support is the al Qaida Salafist version.

Eighty two percent of Egyptians support executing adulterers by stoning, 77% support whipping and cutting the hands off thieves. 84% support executing any Muslim who changes his religion.
Make no mistake.  These are the same ignorant Muslims you've known all your life.