Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Apparently what is good for me is not for thee or some such horseshit. Basically, it boils down to if you are a liberal it's an anything goes free love kinda world.  If you are a conserv.......Nazi!  Misogynist!  Racist!  Blah-blabeddy-blah-blah-blah.

And although I think Glen Beck is a very likeable person but also a very strange and rare bird, he's got a pretty goddamn good point here:

On Tuesday evening, Glenn Beck featured an Obama bobble head doll in a jar of yellow liquid, meant as a parody of the controversial “artwork” that defaced a crucifix in a glass of urine. Beck’s piece was meant to  highlight the hypocrisy of those who rail against disparaging figures who they hold dear, but do not hold themselves to the same standard when disparaging figures others hold dear.

This kind of reminds me of the days after the first time America tried to collectively kill itself by voting this unqualified doofus into office when I stepped into a portable toilet on a jobite and someone had scrawled on the back wall of the john over the toilet seat "Obama action figures" and a giant down arrow
