Thursday, October 30, 2008


This guy is a disgusting and dangerous individual. He better be corrupt, because no self-respecting gay man is going to snuggle up to him unless he's kicking out large sums of cash.

The Boston Globe's Sasha Issenberg reports:
Frank yesterday dismissed McCain's words as "an appeal to prejudice" that he said reminded him of past Republican efforts to raise voter concerns about the prospect of congressmen Charles Rangel and John Conyers, who are black, becoming committee chairs.

"I'm flattered by this," said Frank, who is gay. "But I don't think I'm the single most important member of the House after Nancy Pelosi. There are also a lot of straight white men who are committee chairmen."

McCain's chief speechwriter, Mark Salter, shook his head when asked to respond. "We're bringing him up for his quotes," said Salter. "We're prejudiced against wasteful spenders and tax hikers."


FairyGayMother said...

You have the wrong gay card dear.

Get the real one at

And be nice to Barney. You will be old and cranky some day too.