Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Barack Obama and the leader of Kenya's socialist Orange Democratic Movement. All of this just gets more and more frightening by the day.

And from API, an ominous warning to Americans of the dangers of socialism:

It may sound as a dream. It may sound as fiction and it may sound as fantasy, but it is around the corner. Bloodshed can only be stopped by the Americans themselves by execising their voting right wisely. Personally, I do not have any agenda or intention to bring forth confusion only days to the election, but the truth must be told to the Americans and the world.

America, the only powerful nation in the world right now, will be brought to its knees between the 5th of November 2008 and January 20th 2009 if the American people do not vote wisely on the 4th of November.

Looking at what happened in Kenya during last year’s Presidential elections, one may understand why bloodshed is around every street corner and home in America. In Kenya last year, everybody sang the song of change and change was to be at whatever cost, people said. Those who wanted some excitement wanted immediate change, but got bloodshed in the end and lost families. Kenyans were not prepared for the bloodshed that followed, bringing the country to a standstill for 4 months. People were killed. Neighbours murdered neighbours in the name of change. So Americans should be prepared for that which may come in the name of change.

It is good to have change, but change that people are prepared to deal with. Kenya did not get the change promised by some leaders, even after brainwashing their followers making them to believe that President Mwai Kibaki was a old man who could die of health reasons. Some were brainwashed that the best thing for Kenya was to have change by electing a younger man in the name of Raila Odinga to be the President of the Republic. My fear is coming from here, now that Americans have been brainwashed that McCain is old and may die in office and the best for America is to have a younger man in the name of Obama. Most of those who were brainwashed in Kenya got wild when they did not get Raila as the president. Some chose to accept defeat while others chose to go on rampage raping and killing their neighbours. If Kenyans were ignored by the international community when the bloodshed started, the country would be very unstable today. The country was rescued from a brink of collapse, thanks to the international community. Who will rescue America, the most powerful Nation in the world if they start travelling on the road of bloodshed?.