Friday, January 30, 2009

Google Moves to Protect Obama from Unfavorable Search Engine Results

Folks, this is very scary. As such, Today I am starting the world's first conservative search engine. Here's how it works. Email me the search term you are looking for, and in two to three business days, I will get back to you with your results. What? Oh sure. And they laughed at the pony express too.

After just over two years, Google has finally defused the “Google Bomb” that has returned US President George W. Bush at the top of its results in a search on "miserable failure". The move wasn’t a post-State Of The Union Address gift for Bush. Instead, it’s part of an overall algorithm change designed to stop such mass link pranks from working.

A search today now shows the US White House page carrying Bush’s name is no longer top listed. Also gone are pages about Michael Moore and former US president Jimmy Carter that were on the first page of results due to Google bombing actions.

“It’s completely algorithmic,” said Google spam fighting czar Matt Cutts, adding “we’re not going to claim it’s 100 percent perfect.”
But here's what Google is not telling you. A week ago, if you searched the term "miserable failure", it returned Obama as the top result. A reverse google bombing. So after 6 years of the Bush bashing, we're to believe that Google, with no other motive, decided to clean up the mess? Bullshit! Google is deliberately taking bullets for Obama. Makes you wonder what else they have and will whitewash.


Anonymous said... are 6 kinds of stupid rolled up into one. I am not sure if I should attack your startling ignorance of common technology, or go right after the fact that you seem completely removed from reality.

Close your 18 browsers with Fox and Limbaugh talking points and do some **research**. Take it slow, that pain in your skull is called "thining", you will get used to it again soon enough. You don't even have the chronology (what came first, what happened next; 'the order') right.

"But here's what Google is not telling you. A week ago, if you searched the term "miserable failure"," See...that's what your handlers are not telling you, which you are passing on down the line in order to drum up (more) non-sensical hysteria over something so silly. If you took two seconds to **think** you would have seen it ALL over the Web.

Anonymous said...

Google sent you didn't they?

Anonymous said...

How's that buffet working in G land these days?