Friday, January 30, 2009

Reasons Ali Blah Blah Took Up Guitar #1

When I was a young Ali growing up on the dusty streets of my home town of Tikkriti al-Shidoobi, my older brother Tupak Saday used to import records from the west smuggled in lambs bladders (we couldn’t afford “soccer balls”, your Highness!) One record inspired Lil’ Ali to build his first guitar out of a broom stick and discarded WMD shells. I played it until my fingers blistered (As well as my arms, face and legs for some reason) It was a record called Wired by Jeff Beck. This song called Goodbye Pork Pie Hat especially inspired me to keep at it. It also inspired my Uncle, Kareem Ofweet, to jump off a bridge because of the word pork on the album cover. Anyway, I thank you Jeff and now that I’m in the states I have a real guitar and I pray I get as good as you someday. Enjoy, my brothers!


Anonymous said...

That's the Ali I know I love. Where has he been. I missed him.

Anonymous said...

That's the Ali I know I love. Where has he been. I missed him.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a cheezy band from the local Holiday Inn in Podunkville.

Ali Blah Blah said...

In my home land, we'd refer to you as Shababi al-falafelbob. Or in your tongue "The retarded one".