Sunday, January 25, 2009

Liberal Loons Push for Organic Farm to be Planted on White House Lawn

A liberal group of absolute nutjobs is pushing to have an organic farm seeded on the White House lawn. As best I can tell, it is their intention to have this farm created and maintained by students, the crippled and the mentally defective. In other words, half of Obama's support base.

Here's an excerpt from the Petition they are asking people to sign:

We, the people, respectfully request that an organic farm be planted on the grounds of The White House, at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington, DC.

The White House Organic Farm (aka TheWhoFarm) will be a model for healthy, economical and sustainable living everywhere. It will serve as an educational tool and economic aid, and as a means to provide food security in the Nation’s Capitol. It will reconnect the Office of the Presidency to the self-sufficient agricultural roots of America's Founding Fathers.

The White House Organic Farm Recipe

Article I: The Farmers
Public school children and Americans with disabilities will work The White House Organic Farm, to set an example for the world of hands-on learning and will foster an independent, do-it-yourself work ethic.

Article II: The Eaters
The White House Organic Farm's harvest will provide fresh food for the President, the President's family, and the President's distinguished guests. Just as importantly, it will also supply healthy food to public school lunch programs and food pantries in Washington, DC.

Article III: The Delivery
Food from The White House Organic Farm will be delivered to local public schools and food pantries by volunteers on foot and by bicycle, at a net-zero cost to U.S. taxpayers.
Here's their video. Get on the short bus!


Anonymous said...

Why are these idiots driving a carbon producing gas guzzling bus around the country?