Friday, May 8, 2009

Federal Government Spending $400,000 to Study Gay Bars in Argentina

Barney Frank's pet project? Do these qualify as "green jobs"?

Government researchers are spending more than $400,000 in taxpayer money to hit the bars in Argentina.

The National Institutes of Health are paying researchers to cruise six bars in Buenos Aires to find out why gay men engage in risky sexual behavior while drunk -- and just what can be done about it.

"Targeting public venues in Buenos Aires where men meet, alcohol is consumed and sexual behavior occurs," the project's overview explains, "the goal of this 2-year exploratory study is to understand the various factors that contribute to the creation of a high risk sexual space."

That means NIH researchers will have as many as 730 nights on the town for careful observation and interaction.
Cone on people! If this doesn't piss you off to no end. The government can pay me $10 and I'll give them the answer as to why gay men like to engage in sex when they're drunk. Because they like to suck cock! It ain't that complicated. As for what can be done about it? Tell them only to suck cock when they're sober.

I'm far from done with this story. Developing...


Anonymous said...

I damn sure wouldn't be gay in Argentina. Hot as them locals is...

Not for all the pesos in the world.

Original Reagan Gangster said...

There are so many wtf's in this story.

Firstly why is the government studying gay drinking and sexual habbits? I mean wtf? Why?

Secondly why Argentina? Was the Castro district of San Fran not gay enough? I mean wtf? Why?

Thirdly wtf? Why?

The leftarded nonsense continues full tilt boogie with this band of idelogical halfwits in charge!