Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Obama's Plan to Save the World: Paint All Roofs White

You remember those "green jobs" Obama was talking about? Get your paint brush ready.

Steven Chu, who directed the Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Lab and was professor of physics and molecular and cell biology at the University of California before being appointed by President Obama to be the U.S. Energy Secretary, says white paint is what's needed to fix global warming.

Chu, who according to the federal agency's website, successfully applied the techniques he developed in atomic physics to molecular biology and recently led the lab in pursuit of new alternative and renewable energies, has told the London Times that by making paved surfaces and roofs lighter in color, the world would reduce carbon emissions by as much as parking all the cars in the world for 11 years.
Why the roofs gotta be white? Huh? What you say Lil' Lav?

Meanwhile...back at the enviromoonbat cave....
Moonbats at MIT have at last devised a relatively reliable method to predict just how cataclysmic our doom will be if we don't submit to sufficiently suffocating levels of taxation and bureaucratic control: