Normally, I wouldn't post a vulgarity-laced post on this website, as I am a guest blogger. I usually reserved such things for my old blog and my new super-secret, members-only blog that I created recently. But there is only one way I know to respond to something I read earlier, ah, a vulgarity in its own right.
The post will be below the fold. And for those who cannot stomach such things, hey look. . .it's a break dancing kitty!
Clearly, America is losing. Losing in a big, and as the days pass, a more unrecoverable way. So, I pose a simple question: Why?
Here is the answer: Liberals.
Let's examine the evidence in the car, Junior.
Our country is dead broke. Our economy has stalled, job growth is virtually non-existent and governmental handouts are at an all-time high across the board with food stamps, welfare, unemployment benefits, Medicare, and Social Security. The government continues to print money like there is no tomorrow, the dollar is weak, Federal bond rates are in the tank, inflationary pressures increasing on food, rising energy prices, high unemployment, a major housing crisis, increasing bankruptcies - so on and so on and so on.
So where is our money going? Two billion to Brazil to drill for oil. 1.29 million to the communist Chinese to study reducing carbon emissions. Tens, if not hundreds of billions in aid to countries that unquestionably dislike the United States for her foreign policy and in some cases, simply because she exists. 500K for shrimp on the
barbie treadmill and 1.5 million for a robot that can fold a towel in 25 minutes. 100 million dollars spent on unused, but
totally refundable airline tickets. The list goes on and on and on. . .
Those on the left who advocate for more and more spending during these dire times are either incredibly stupid, misinformed, blinded by their ideology or just. . .just, I don't know. Clinically insane? There is no reason for our country to be in the financial shape that it is. Meddling and over-regulation of industry coupled with a spend it if you got it attitude in Washington is leading us down a very narrow and high road. Once the money runs out we are going to look like Evel Kneivel plunging to the bottom of the Snake River Valley with a fouled parachute and sputtering rocket car, screaming the whole way down until we are obliterated at the bottom in a perfectly round Loony Tunes poof of dust.
I can explain it this way. If I wanted to buy a GI Joe with the kung fu grip that costs seven dollars and I only had six dollars, my options would be to earn some more money, borrow some more money, steal the GI Joe with the kung fu grip or re-evaluate my spending habits and possibly save my money for something more important or necessary. Now, which of these options do you think our Congress would consider? I shouldn't even type out the answer because it is all too obvious. This is called perspective. You don't have to be a macro-economic genius to understand that the prudent things to do are to not steal and borrow.
The money is going to run out. Entitlement programs and mandatory spending are going to exceed the revenues of our government within my lifetime. That is a frightening thing to consider. And of course these crazy people in Washington have no clue as to a solution. The whole reason I even began to write this post was to highlight the type of people who are now in positions of extreme power and policy in the upper levels of our government. The reason we are in such deep-six trouble can be summed up by this incredible statement made by President Obama's solicitor general in reference to the individual mandate of the Obamacare legislation. This person argues that anyone who does not like the individual mandate can elect to
earn less money.
Let that sink in for a bit.
There couldn't be a more anti-American statement ever made in the history of this country. This guy might as well have pulled his pants down, wiped his backside with the Constitution and crammed it down the throat of Lady Liberty. What more vile thing could you say about the greatest country to ever rise up through revolution, both in arms and in mind? The whole premise of this country is to live as freely as possible and to make the most of yourself as you can. That is the glory of freewill. Now some liberal, educated (brainwashed) uber-lawyer is telling us to get with the program or just give up on the American dream. Wonderful.
He then goes on to say:
“What Congress is regulating is not the failure to buy something. But failure to secure financing for something everyone is going to buy.”
I don't even know what the heck that means in the context of the healthcare argument, but my BS detector just rocketed through a wormhole into the fourth dimension of stupidity. I can only say it is this type of hardcore leftist psychopath that has infiltrated our government to such extent, we may never regain any semblance of control over our destinies ever again.
Add this person to the one who advocated sterilizing people through the water supply or the EPA chief who said she will regulate without law and the various economic types surrounding the Obama administration who look like Randolph Duke dying on the floor of the trading exchange screaming, "Spend! Spend! Spend!" and you'll realize that somehow, someway we must wrest control of our country from these people before it is too late.
Stop the spending. Stop the frivolous 9th grade science projects. Find the real fraud and waste in governement. Stop giving money to our enemies. And stop raising taxes! Any Republican who can run on that platform will win a landslide election against the duffer in the White House and we need it. Otherwise. . .prepare to pay a lot more for a lot less while the freeloaders get the free ride into the future on your sweaty back. If that's "Winning the Future" then I would rather lose in the present and find that wormhole to the past when all was right with the world. Somewhere around 5 million years ago when human first walked the Earth and decided to start screwing it up for everyone else. Must have been pretty nice back then.
Oh, and for those looking for all that vulgarity?
Ha ha, made you look!I learned that from Debbie Wasserman-Shultz.