Thursday, July 23, 2009

Don't Do This...EVER

I really do hate videos like this. They give responsible gun owners a bad name and fuel the anti-gun lobby and generally make most people shake their heads at the stupidity of it all.

At the same time, they're quite instructive...of how some folks still appear to be wallowing in the primordial ooze that gave us primitive life.

EMBED-Gun Recoil Knockout - Watch more free videos


innominatus said...

I can't mock this guy too harshly...

When I was about 8 I was watching my dad practice skeet shooting - he was trying to get into the groove for duck season. So he was using some fairly stout 12ga shells, not those little ladyfinger sporting clays loads.

"Dad, I wanna try! Dad! Dad!"

We were the only ones at the range, so he stopped and put an unbroken pigeon on an old pipe that was sticking out of the ground and told me to aim at it. Seeing the way the shotgun was pushing my dad around (he was a pretty big guy) spooked me so I held it a little away from my shoulder. My dad saw it coming but didn't say a thing. When I touched it off and it knocked me asswards, he caught the shotgun and let me hit the ground.

Then he said "Now your going to shoot it again, and you're going to keep shooting it until you don't flinch!"

Next round I death-gripped the thing to my shoulder and left a face-dent in the stock from hugging it so tightly. Eyes closed when the trigger was pulled, but I didn't flinch. So he let me walk back to the car and chill 'til he was done.

OK, I guess I can mock that guy. I was only about a third grader. He should have known better.

Dr. Dave said...

"OK, I guess I can mock that guy. I was only about a third grader. He should have known better."


Dead.Grackle.Society said...

You'd think the guy had seen at least one John Wayne movie or an episode of Rifleman or any other movie for that matter, which depicted someone shooting a rifle.

I think the safari attire makes me laugh more than anything.

Anonymous said...

Anybody that stupid is asking for it. But ... it can't be his rifle. He's hangin' with a dude who doesn't like him. A friend, or even a neutral aquaintance, would've clue'd the dude. This is abuse of the innnocent.



Yeah. That's not very smart.