Monday, July 13, 2009

Obama Inspired Hamas Shows Children Reenactment of Mother's Suicide Attack

The message of hope and change is universal.

The leader of the Islamic militant group Hamas said Thursday that he welcomed what he called “new language” by President Obama toward the group.

The remarks by the group’s leader, Khaled Meshal, appeared to be part of a tentative outreach by Hamas to the United States in recent weeks.

In a speech to the Muslim world this month in Cairo, Mr. Obama insisted that Hamas meet the conditions, but he also suggested that the group could play a political role in the future.

In a televised speech on Thursday, Mr. Meshal, who is based in Syria, praised what he described as “Obama’s new language toward Hamas.”

“It is the first step in the right direction toward a dialogue without conditions, and we welcome this,” he said.
They're off and running with hope and change. Yes they can!


Ali Blah Blah said...

Awww that's adorable.


They should just bill those folks condos. Then they'll chill out.