Friday, July 31, 2009

White Folks Greed Runs a World in Need

Hmm. I wonder. If W or W's dad or Ronnie had made a statement in their past decrying world ruination at the hands of black people, I just wonder if they'd ever be elected president...or called on their past statement while in office.

Once again, where's the MSM?


Sipping beers with Zero, I presume.

Better click now before it disappears from the innertubes.

Via Moonbattery



We ran that story nearly a year ago and you're right, the video will disappear. I've had to find substitutes for the original video several times.

Of course, pointing this out will have you branded as a racist. Strange world we live in when that's the case.

Dr. Dave said...

First...I didn't think to look back that far in your archives, so I'm sorry, man...But, what the hell, it's making the rounds again. If everybody else is running it again, you should too (given the current racial situation).

And I've already been branded a racist. I don't know if you saw the post I did a couple weeks ago about the Obama look alike in Ghana , but holy CRAP did I catch hell from Daily Kos for that one.

Humorless assholes!


I wasn't criticizing you for posting it, I was just alluding to the fact that the video seems to disappear quite often.

It needs to make the rounds again. It's fantastic insight into some of his decisions.

Anonymous said...

Make the doctor a Sea Kitten...

Dr. Dave said...

No offense taken, man...didn't mean to sound that way. Trust me...if you didn't want something here, I'd pull it post haste.

The humorless assholes comment is about the Daily Kossacks (read the!). I probably didn't make that clear enough.

Now BE COOL, be WAY off base, maaaaaannnnnnnn!

glencar said...

Just how much does this asshole get away with before Letterman brings back "Great Moments in Presidential Speeches"?


The Dr. is a Sea Kitten. That's why he's posting here. I need to create a new graphic featuring all the sea kittens. I'll get on that.