Thursday, July 23, 2009

Obama was Against Compulsory Health Insurance Before He was for it

Not much I can add to this report from Legal In-sur-rection:

The current Democratic House bill on health care includes fines to force people to purchase health insurance, which is consistent with Barack Obama's current position on mandates. This type of coercion, however, was criticized by Obama during the campaign, when he attacked Hillary Clinton's health insurance plan because Hillary's plan mandated universal coverage through fines and other mechanisms which forced people to buy coverage:

"The reason she thinks that there are more people covered under her plan than mine, is because of a mandate. It is not a mandate for the government to provide coverage to everybody. It is a mandate that every individual purchase health care. And the mailing that we put out accurately indicates that the main difference between Senator Clinton's plan and mine is the fact that she would force, in some fashion, individuals to purchase health care ...."

Watch the whole video for Obama's impassioned criticisms of plans which mandate that people purchase health insurance under threat of fine.


Anonymous said...

I watched a few minutes of this. Then I realized that nobody really gives a shit. Those who will vote for any of this crap just want something for nothing, while the rest of us don't want to lose the relationships we've carefully chosen to take care of our families.

It's all about rationing what I'm willing to (borrow to) pay for in order to force doctors to give away their services without fair compensation. So instead of my paying for the indigent through my doctor's/hospital's overhead, I get to pay for a federal bureacracy which eventually adds the cost of indigent care to my doctor's/hospital's overhead. Thank goodness for Health Care Reform's increased efficiencies!
