Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Ahhhh, Fuggetaboutit!

Nothing like a little slimy Chicago way politics to brighten one's morning.

From IBD:

You can call it a tragedy of errors, a perfect storm of incompetent and uncaring bureaucrats, or you can call it a deliberate attempt to steal what looks to be a close race for both governor and U.S. senator in President Obama's home state by disenfranchising its servicemen overseas, votes likely to tilt Republican.

It's not much of a headscratcher to figure out which of the above it is.  Democrats, their lawyers and leftist groups like ACORN and SEIU have made an industry of stealing elections.  Even as we speak, Harry Reid and powerful Nevada union organizers are launching schemes to "pay" for votes with free food at voter turnout events or gift cards for union members who cast a vote for Reid.  I dunno Lucy, but something stinks like limburger cheese and fermented mole testicle paté in the Silver State.

But it's not just in Nevada.  Voting irregularities that favor Democrats are already common place all across our great nation one week ahead of the election.  North CarolinaIllinois. Texas, Pennsylvania, others?  It's only the beginning.  And with the courts weighing in to overturn voter identification laws, who knows who might be out there voting Papi!

This is a disgrace.  Only American citizens should be allowed to vote and in our new times of rampant identity theft and so on, what is wrong with requiring people to show identification at the voting station?  There are so moany other functions in daily life that require some type of valid ID, so why not for elections?

Oh I know.  I've heard the arguments all my life in Mississippi.  It's racist. It's like a poll tax.  And it disenfranchises the poor and the elderly from voting.  Well, bullshit!  If politicians, particularly Democratic ones, wanted to fix the voting policies of this nation, they could do it easily, at least plugging some of the major loopholes that lead to fraud.  But, as we all know, those loopholes mean votes for the Democrats.

And of course, there is NO FRAUD AT ALL.