Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Somebody. . .

. . .call the Waaaaambulance!

I don't know about you folks, but I am sick of being painted as a racist because I participate in a grass roots effort to return the power of our republic to the hands of the people and also elect to disagree with the destructive politics of our current incompetent president who just happens to be black.  And white, by the way.

If race-baiting and stoking the racial fires of America were a stock on the Nasdaq, the average Joe wouldn't be able to afford it.  However, I'm sure there would be some brain-damaged politician passing a law to give the company away for free to the less fortunate.

I am sick of paying for the unwilling of this country to get a free ride and I am sick of listening to ignorant politicians spout off at the mouth of something (most things) they know nothing about.

Just sick, sick, sick.

How about some music to cheer us up?