Wednesday, October 6, 2010

You Lose

Does anyone remember Obama's famous words or those of the unhinged left as they salivated over their new multi-cultural leader elected only by cult of personality, white guilt, and total ignorance?

Well, it seems that left-wing voters are abandoning Obama and the Democrats in the polls and those haggard Democrats who are seeking re-election this November have no platform on which to stand due to the catastrophic failure of Obamanomic policies.

Do you hear any Democrats running on the merits of Obamacare?  Or the stimulus package of which large sums of money cannot be accounted for?  Or even Obama's foriegn policies, which are. . .what again?

Yes, the Democrats have no platform and the past "progressive, save-the-world, Obama policies" are ultimately, failures.  So, without a platform and no way to rally the base, what is a good "progressive" (read: socialist) politician to do?

Fucking drugs, man, that's where it's at.  Oh yeah, pass the doobie!

God help us all.  I think I just heard to toilet flush and America is hanging onto the rim for all it's worth.