Thursday, October 28, 2010

Matthews: "How Long Before These Tea Partiers Start Wearing Uniforms Like Nazis"?

MATTHEWS: And this is the kind of stuff I said the other night probably, I’ll say it again, the kind of stuff we saw from hoodlums in the thirties in another country I will not mention. And this kind of behavior by people who were supposedly political fans or – they go operational like this, operating as local police is something we saw up in Alaska, where they arrested a reporter. What is this behavior by American political activists where they now arrest people, stomp them? These are supposed to be people who are just good old American Tea Partiers. What’s the story here, Joan Walsh? This physical behavior by people?

…Okay I gotta wonder, Chris Cillizza I gotta wonder when people are gonna start wearing uniforms. I mean they’ve got an army out there in Alaska of militia people. You’ve got these guys going around acing like street thugs. I mean it isn’t far from what we saw in the thirties, where all of a sudden, political parties started showing up in uniform.
Oh, Tingles, you mean like these folks?  Like these kinda uniforms?