Friday, August 28, 2009

Obama Administration Using the Silent Treatment to Interrogate Gitmo Detainees

I'm not bullshittin' you guys. They are actually using the silent treatment as a means of interrogation. But they only result to this harsh tactic if less harsh tactics like the cold shoulder fail.

Questions are being raised about the effectiveness -- and toughness -- of the Army Field Manual's interrogation guidelines, the standard ordered across the board by the Obama administration in response to allegations of CIA abuse of detainees.

"The Army Field Manual is very, very restrictive in what it can do," said Michigan Rep. Pete Hoekstra, the top Republican on the House intelligence committee. "For high-value detainees, it's a joke. ... In theory, it sounds great."

The guidelines are all psychological in nature. The methods include good cop-bad cop, the silent treatment, and a trick in which interrogators can pretend to be from another country.
Why does Obama want to destroy America?


Ali Blah Blah said...

Wet Willies might work.

Anonymous said...

Have they considered making them watch Olberdork or MSNBC?

Anonymous said...

Never underestimate the horror of the Wet Willie!
