Thursday, August 13, 2009

"Let Them Eat Cake" - Michelle "Some of Y'all Gonna Have to Give Up a Piece of Your Pie" Obama Rents Lavish Digs at Martha's Vineyard

This was Michelle Obama during the campaign.

"Most Americans don't want much". Apparently Michelle is not amongst those Americans.

President Obama and First Lady Michelle and daughters Sasha and Malia will be staying at a posh Martha's Vineyard farm, the Blue Heron for their vacation, according to the Vineyard Gazettte.

First Lady Michelle Obama and her daughters are to arrive early in Martha's Vineyard. They are supposed to be coming up in advance of President Obama, who land Aug. 23 and stays through Aug. 30.

A few days ago, the three were spotted sightseeing in Philadelphia. Later this week they head to Yellowstone and Grand Canyon National Parks. The girls have been to Europe twice this summer.

From the Vineyard Gazette:

While the mechanics of renting the property were still ongoing at press time, the Gazette has learned that a rental agreement for the farm will comprise three leases, one to be held by the Obamas, another by the Secret Service and a third by a White House entourage.

The amount of the rental has not been disclosed, but up-Island properties similar to Blue Heron Farm rent for between $35,000 to $50,000 per week.
Goose...Gander...Where you at Michelle? You mind if I have a piece of your pie?