Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Obama to Hold Conference Call with Union Thugs About Health Care Support

Obama is going to have a conference call tomorrow with the head of the SEIU. The same union that has had members arrested for beating opponents of Obamacare. Beating Kenneth Gladney and putting hin in a wheelchair and a neck brace.

The SEIU has also bussed in goons to whoop up on health care opponents at town hall meetings.

Obama has organized a band of burger flipping, bed sheet changing thugs to intimidate the American people. And tommorrow he is set to unleash the hounds of hell.


Anonymous said...

I am the mob too. Now where's my walker?

Anonymous said...

I can't decide if you're evil or just retarded. Bussing people in to a town hall meeting?? Hmm I think the pot is screaming at the kettle to drown out arguments. The right-wing *invented* this shit. The entire m.o. of the republicans has been to drown out any reasonable argument with screaming McCarthyistic nitwits like yourself. Might as well scream loud when you have no valid argument. If the Dems bring extra people in to these meetings, at the *most*, it's evening the playing field.