Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Sheila Jackson Lee Takes Cell Phone Call During Health Care Town Hall

Booty call?

This is what your Democrat leaders think of your concerns. To save you some time, you can jump to the 4:30 mark of the video.

Shelia Jackson Lee answers her cell phone while a person in the audience is addressing her at a townhall meeting in Houston Texas on August 11th 2009.


Anonymous said...

Sheila Jackson Lee taking a cell phone call during a town meeting is rude. She should not have taken the call, or, at the very least, apologized for it.

However, this rude act has no bearing on the content of the current health care bills.

What struck me as ignorant was the gentleman's comments about the Tuskegee experiment. He might as well have yelled "President Thomas Jefferson owned slaves! Owning slaves is bad! Therefore all government is bad!"... whatever.

I would rather trust the government with my health care than a for-profit insurance company that makes more money the less care they "authorize".

That poor cancer survivor lady... She said she is currently unemployed. I hope she can COBRA her previous health insurance, because, if not, she will never find a private health care provider that will cover her "pre-existing" condition. That wouldn't be cost effective for the current health care providers. Talk about a death panel...



'I would rather trust the government with my health care than a for-profit insurance company that makes more money the less care they "authorize"."

Uh..why? Obama said it himself. Who do you trust to get your package there overnight?

Your statement is absolutely ridiculous. And has no precedent upon which it can be founded.

You ever been to a VA hospital brother?

Anonymous said...

Anyone can COBRA their previous insurance. That's the whole point.
