Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Is Obama's New Spiritual Advisor a Marxist?

It's a rhetorical question. Short answer...yes...He's a raving Marxist.

During the campaign, we inked this report (click the link and read) concerning Obama's spiritual advisers. That report centered on super wigger, race-baiting Father Pfleger who Obama himself named as a "spiritual adviser". The report also references Obama's other two past spiritual advisers, Jeremiah Wright and Otis Moss. Dubious race-baiters in their own right. But fret not America, having thrown all previous Spiritual advisers under the bus, Obama has assembled a new team of spiritual advisers. U.S. News & World Report:

The New York Times reports that President Obama, having cut ties to his longtime pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, has assembled a circle of five evangelical spiritual advisers:

* Kirbyjon Caldwell
* Joel Hunter
* T. D. Jakes
* Otis Moss Jr.
* Jim Wallis
Of course, Moss isn't new. But what of these others? The first to surface with questionable attributes is Jim Wallis. I won't say you'll be shocked, but outraged, or perhaps enraged, certainly. From FrontPage Magazine:
Now that he no longer draws spiritual succor from Jeremiah Wright—the America-hating, racist demagogue who served as his pastor and spiritual mentor for twenty years—Barack Obama has turned elsewhere for guidance in the task of carrying out his political duties while remaining true to his religious values.

The most notable of his spiritual advisors today is his friend of many years, Rev. Jim Wallis, founder of the Sojourners organization. Says Wallis, “We’ve [he and Obama] been talking faith and politics for a long time.”

(Wallis and Obama share the stage with My Pretty Pony and Cankles)

Who is Jim Wallis?

As a teenager in the 1960s, Wallis joined the civil rights movement and the anti-Vietnam War movement. His participation in peace protests nearly resulted in his expulsion from the Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Illinois, a Christian seminary where he was then enrolled. While at Trinity, Wallis founded an anti-capitalism magazine called the Post-American, which identified wealth redistribution and government-managed economies as the keys to achieving “social justice”—a term that, as educator/journalist Barry Loberfeld has pointed out, is essentially “code for communism.”

In 1971, the 23-year-old Wallis and his Post-American colleagues changed the name of their publication to Sojourners, and in the mid-1970s they moved their base of operation from Chicago to Washington, DC, where Wallis has served as Sojourners’ editor (and leader of the eponymous organization) ever since.

Advocating America’s transformation into a socialist nation, Sojourners’ “statement of faith” exhorted people to “refuse to accept [capitalist] structures and assumptions that normalize poverty and segregate the world by class.” According to Sojourners, “gospel faith transforms our economics, gives us the power to share our bread and resources, welcomes all to the table of God’s provision, and provides a vision for social revolution.”

As one of its first acts, Sojourners formed a commune in the Washington, DC neighborhood of Southern Columbia Heights, where members shared their finances and participated in various activist campaigns that centered on attacking U.S. foreign policy, denouncing American “imperialism,” and extolling Marxist revolutionary movements in the Third World.

Giving voice to Sojourners’ intense anti-Americanism, Jim Wallis called the U.S. “the great power, the great seducer, the great captor and destroyer of human life, the great master of humanity and history in its totalitarian claims and designs.”

In 1995 Wallis founded Call to Renewal, a coalition of religious groups united in the purpose of advocating, in religious terms, for leftist economic agendas such as tax hikes and wealth redistribution to promote “social justice.”

To this day, Wallis remains fiercely opposed to capitalism and the free-market system. “Our systems have failed the poor and they have failed the earth,” Wallis has said. “They have failed the creation.”
Be sure to read the whole report here.

In February of 2008, Wallis wrote this article at The Huffington Post in defense of Obama's faith. An excerpt from that article:
So let's set the record straight. I have known Barack Obama for more than 10 years, and we have been talking about his Christian faith for a decade. Like me and many other Christians, he agrees with the need to reach out to Muslims around the world, especially if we are ever to defeat Islamic fundamentalism.
So before Obama throws Wallis under the bus, let us all note the words from Wallis' own pen concerning he and Obama's relationship.


Aristophon said...

About time the righteous can speak their truth to power -- and how heartening that the powerful listen. It has been shameful what the elites have done to the morality of this country.

Let this Presbyterian advise y'all to go back and re-read Adam Smith with open eyes and realize his beliefs are far more in tune with the Sojourners than AIG and Goldman Sachs.