Monday, March 23, 2009

The Town that Political Correctness Forgot

Whitesboro is a village in upstate New York. The village was first settled around 1784. From the town's website:

When Hugh White settled at White's Town in the county of Montgomery, his settlement marked the commencement of an epoch in our state history as distinct in it's relation to the past New England influence and Dutch settlement impressed upon us from the Hudson Valley.

Of Hugh White, a man, a Christian and a citizen, no better conception can be had than the inscription on his tablet in Grand View Cemetery on the hill. "Here sleeps the mortal remains of HUGH WHITE who was born 5th February, 1733, at Middleton in Connecticut, and died April 16th, 1812." In the year 1784 he moved to Sedauquate, now Whitesborough, where he was the first white inhabitant in the State of New York, west of the German settlements on the Mohawk. He was distinguished for energy, and decision of character, and may be justly regarded as a patriarch, who led the children of New England into the wilderness. As a magistrate, a citizen, and a man, his character for truth and integrity was proverbial. This humble monument of veneration for his memory is reared and inscribed by the affectionate partner of his joys and his sorrows, May 15th, 1826. He lived among the Indians as their friend and the Village Seal depicts a friendly wrestling match that helped foster good relations between White and the Indians.
I have just one question concerning the seal. Who won the wrestling match?