Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Reverse Discrimination In Commercials

And Movies. It's old already, give it a break.

Ever notice how in all commercials with a white guy and black guy, the black guy is always superior, more intelligent and the white guy is some kind of buffoon?

Ever notice how all the criminals are white? And it is not just commercials anymore. Radio stations, MTV, everything is out of the spectrum.

White men are seen as the only "safe" group to discriminate against. Make anyone else look stupid and you're going to hear about it.

Koreans! They don't worry about being PC correct.


Anonymous said...

Golden; Yeah, yeah I'm anti-stem cell too.

Anonymous said...

Idiot! You post those thoughts and can't point to one commercial that backs up whatever you're talking about. Make up some more crap. You're the racist.

Anonymous said...

Seen a verizon commercial lately?


For a week, keep a tablet and pen by your TV viewing chair and log the race/foolish elements of every commercial you watch. Here's what I practically guarantee you'll find...

Commercials where:
- the white guy looks stupid and the black woman/man looks smart.

Quaker Oats: White male in commuter train tries to cook oatmeal on a gas burner while black woman looks at him like he's crazy and eats her oatmeal breakfast bar.

Avis: Black man and white woman conduct transaction for iTunes in the car by opening their mouths and producing music, while the white guy has no idea what's happening and fails when he tries to do it too.

the commercial where the white guy plugs the leak in the dam with chewing gum, while the black woman is meeting with the retirement planning professionals.