Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Why America Need Not Worry About Russian Military Aggression

We have, in recent weeks, been sounding the alarm concerning Russia's military machinations across the globe and Obama non-existent response. And believe me, it's a cause for grave concern. But only to the extent that Russia is playing the part of the manager of global tyranny and facilitating the formation of a new axis of dictatorships. As far as the Russian military goes. however, there is no cause for immediate concern. They're still a bunch of drunken buffoons that serve as no match for the American fighting man. Witness...The Russian military in action.

An apparently drunk Russian tank driver rammed his 25-ton fighting machine into a remote village cottage while on a vodka run.

Drunk Russian Soldiers & Officers in Gori, Georgia looting, stealing & confiscating property (cars, video cameras, etc) from Georgian civilians & foreign journalists.