Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tardbama's "Green" Initiative Blown Away

Great interview in today's Frontpagemagazine.com with Alex Alexiev totally destroying Barry's plan to go green and how we are falling behind the rest of the industrialized world. God help us get through the next four years with this man-child as our leader.

Right off the bat it cuts the balls off this pie in the sky renewable energy scheme:

FP: Alex Alexiev, welcome to Frontpage Interview.

With the selling of President Obama’s economic agenda now in full gear, it is a good time to take stock of his energy plans against the background of energy trends worldwide. What’s your perspective on this?

Alexiev: Alas, even a perfunctory look reveals that his singular focus on renewable energy and introducing a cap-and-trade regime runs counter to both economic rationality and current energy trends to the point of guaranteeing its inevitable failure to the huge economic detriment of the country. For the fact is that as the president starts imposing his green agenda on America, the renewable energy bubbles of the Left have burst, even as the world witnesses the astounding comeback of the kind of energy Mr. Obama scrupulously avoids mentioning – nuclear power.

It only gets better from there. Click the blog title for full interview.