Tuesday, March 3, 2009

CNN Journalist Has a Crush on Obama

I guess I should point out that his crush is on Michelle Obama, not Barack. It's not like it's obvious anymore.

Creepy times we're living in. CNN's Jack Cafferty writes:

I think I am developing a crush on America's first lady. Michelle Obama is more compelling than her husband. He's good, but she's utterly fascinating.

Mrs. Obama has blown away the stale air in a White House musty from eight years of the Bushes. It's like the sun came out and a fresh spring breeze began wafting through the open windows.

It's the people's house, and Michelle Obama totally gets it. So much so that she has taken to inviting people in from the streets to see her home. Nice touch -- one completely lacking in her recent predecessors.

Watch her when she visits a local school and you see the warmth and affection she instantly triggers in people. Kids are pretty much totally honest with very good BS-detectors. If they sense you're a phony, forget it. But around the first lady, they want to hug her and laugh with her and tell her stories.
The journalistic masturbation continues in a very bizarre manner.

"the warmth and affection she instantly triggers in people"

Is this man out of his damn mind? Sure, if you're a socialist and not white, you should get along just find with Chaka. I guess Cafferty has forgotten her past remarks insulting Americans. I guess he has overlooked her angry militant core. I have neither forgotten nor overlooked. I've seen her without her makeup.