People. Haven't we had enough of the scare tactics employed by those purporting to be smarter than us? Here's today "the sky is falling" report. This "economic thinker" suggests an extended world war if we fail to deal with climate change. From Yahoo News:

If we don't deal with climate change decisively, "what we're talking about then is extended world war," the eminent economist said.Can you imagine such a war? America's global warming nutroots in pitched battle with the global warming nutroots of continental Europe. One side fighting for the sacred right to recycle. The other fighting to control the world's carbon credits. Enough of this crap. Smoke em' while you got em'.
His audience Saturday, small and elite, had been stranded here by bad weather and were talking climate. They couldn't do much about the one, but the other was squarely in their hands. And so, Lord Nicholas Stern was telling them, was the potential for mass migrations setting off mass conflict.
If the world's nations act responsibly, Stern said, they will achieve "zero-carbon" electricity production and zero-carbon road transport by 2050 — by replacing coal power plants with wind, solar or other energy sources that emit no carbon dioxide, and fossil fuel-burning vehicles with cars running on electric or other "clean" energy.
Then warming could be contained to a 2-degree-Celsius (3.4-degree-Fahrenheit) rise this century, he said.
But if negotiators falter, if emissions reductions are not made soon and deep, the severe climate shifts and sea-level rises projected by scientists would be "disastrous."
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