Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Best Conservative Political Blogs on the Web

This is purely just my opinion. There are many great blogs out there (check the Feed Friends to see some of those I read on a daily basis), but to provide a list, I had to leave some off. Here are my top 5:

1. Gateway Pundit - Best blog out there. Hands down. Can't add much more than that.

2. Ace of Spades - On the money most everyday. The only time I see a slip is on the major drinking holidays.

3. Moonbattery - Minty fresh.

4. American Thinker - A blog for people who wear socks and tuck their shirts in.

5. Stop the ACLU - Dudes are always ranting about something.

Footnote: I omitted Free Republic from this list as I do not consider it a blog, Nonetheless, it's a very fine place to be.

Take the time to visit these blogs if you haven't already.


Anonymous said...

What? You didn't list Little Green Footballs? LOL!

obbop said...

Covering a variety of issues the "mainstream" media too often ignores, may I suggest visiting this site:

Sure, I do not agree with all the opinions of the several writers whose works appear there but, I nod my rotund head in agreement with enough of what I read to recommend the site.

It is also a good place to learn about the ongoing invasion of the USA.

Joe Guzzardi's writings are particularly applicable since he spent many years immersed among legal and illegal immigrants as an English-as-a-second-language instructor.

The realities he observed should anger even a partially loyal/patriotic American... except the hard-core politically correct buffoons who seem unable to do anything but appease those posing harm to our country and culture.

The Vdare site has archives of past writings groups by author. Anybody wanting a good overview of the threat unbridled illegal alien invasion AND excessive legal immigration poses to We, the People, digging through his archive is a good place to start.

A news aggregator that accepts input from folks across the country is a good place to stay abreast of news about the invasion.

Want something different? Every Sunday from 9 PM to 10 PM Pacific Standard Time you can listen on-line to the Terry Anderson show, a Los Angeles California black American who has observed first-hand how much of the LA area has turned into a foreign country.

There are a multitude of Web sites that offer much information about the dire perils of the ongoing invasion... and invasion is what it is!!!