Monday, February 16, 2009

New York Governor to Tax Internet Porn

You may remember the old saying, "If you keep doing that, you're gonna go blind". One has to wonder after the governor's latest tax move, just how did he lose his his eyesight?

Talk of a New York tax increase just got a little, er, hotter.

It turns out that New York Gov. David Paterson's proposal on downloads of music and software would also apply to downloading pornography, an element unnoticed in the public debate so far.

The state Division of Budget confirmed to The Associated Press that the tax would apply to skin flicks, whether they are downloaded online or purchased through pay-per-view on television.

It's difficult to tally how much people spend for online porn, but, a sight reviewing products and ranking their quality, performance and revenue, says the industry brought in $2.84 billion in 2006. The cable, pay-per-view and phone sex industries brought in $2.19 billion that year, according to the site.

The so-called ``iPod tax'' would tax the sale of downloaded music and other ``digitally delivered entertainment services'' by 4 percent.


Anonymous said...

Does war porn count?


It better not, or I'm way behind. That reminds me, one war pron post coming up.