Wouldn't this just be something? I have people tell me all the time about how the illegal immigration issue is a trumped issue used only for political purposes. That's a convenient line of thinking, until someone you love is brutally murdered by one of these "non-issues". From Law Enforcement Examiner:
This past weekend, the mainstream news media were breathlessly reporting that an arrest of a Salvadorian immigrant for killing a young Washington, DC woman named Chandra Levy is imminent.This article only seems to raise the question of whether or not Ms. Levy's killer was an illegal alien. I could not find where they provided an answer. I suppose that's because that while they may be certain that the man arrested is an illegal alien, we are not yet certain he is Ms. Levy's killer. We are certain,. however, that this illegal immigrant has already caused major damage in our society. From ABC News:
The case originally received so much media attention that she became a household name. While the media continue their fascination with this case, they have -- for the most part -- failed to identify the suspect as an illegal alien already locked up in prison for previous attacks on American women, preferring to call him an immigrant or a Salvadorian National.
Police investigating the 2001 “cold case” murder of Washington intern Chandra Levy plan to seek a warrant for the arrest of a convicted felon, currently serving jail time, who has emerged as the primary suspect in the Levy case.I should point out that the ABC News article failed to mention that Guandique is an illegal immigrant. That shouldn't surprise you. The Washington Post, however, reports on Guandique's immigration status:
The suspect, Ingmar Guandique, has been in jail since approximately July 2001 for two nonfatal attacks on women in the city's Rock Creek Park in Washington, D.C., where Levy's body was discovered in 2002.
Guandique attacked a woman two weeks after Chandra's disappearance in the middle of May 2001, and another in July. The women were jogging in Rock Creek Park when he "clotheslined" them and dragged them down a hill. There was a struggle, they escaped and he ultimately was caught and pleaded guilty.
Guandique is now serving a 10-year sentence at the U.S. Penitentiary-Victorville in Adelanto, Calif., and is eligible for parole in 2011. The FBI most likely wants to close the case before his parole date, Brad Garrett tells ABC News.
The day Chandra disappeared, May 1, 2001, Ingmar A. Guandique, a 19-year-old illegal Salvadoran immigrant, did not show up for his construction job. Around that time, he went to stay with his former landlady, Sheila Phillips Cruz, the manager of an apartment building on Somerset Place NW. Cruz noticed that Guandique looked like he had been in a bad fight, his face battered and bruised. He had a fat lip, a bloody blemish in his eye and scratches around his throat.A 2006 report claimed that illegal aliens commit 12 murders a day in America. I seem to recall the report being scoffed at. Regardless of that report's accuracy, any murder by an illegal alien is unacceptable. And shame on anyone who claims this issue is one only of political opportunism. How dare you label these people as political opportunity!
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So many of the brainwashed buffoons within the USA, spewing their politically correct knee-jerk rhetoric learned at the knee (or crotch) of their PC masters, when confronted with the amazingly high toll of American citizens harmed and killed in so many ways by such a large percentage of the invading barbaric horde of illegal alien invaders will typically write or say that American citizens, also, commit horrible crimes.
A baby raped then its head bashed in with a hammer by a Mexican citizen who had been deported several prior times is "forgiven" by a politically correct idiot because that invader is one of the PC puke's beloved "Brown People" and, besides, American citizens have committed the same or similar crime?
Those PC pukes are brainwashed!!!!
So full of self-loathing those indoctrinated vermin allow their own country to be invaded and its citizenry murdered/killed at the rate of an estimated number of somewhere between 12 and 25 citizens daily???!!!!
What is WRONG with those politically correct appeasers?
I wonder how one of those PC scum would react if it was THEIR kin harmed by an invader who should never have been present to commit a crime?
Would they embrace THAT beloved "Brown Person"?
Sadly, so many of the media within the USA when reporting crimes fail to mention the perpetrator (or suspect) is an illegal alien.
If only the mass media would inform the citizenry of the true threat of the ongoing invasion of our once-sovereign country perhaps the mass outrage would finally force our ruling elites, politicians and enforcement bureaucracies to FINALLY do more than just the very minimal effort done now to stop the invasion and oust the invaders.
More American citizens have died at the hands of illegal alien invaders than from ALL mid-eastern terrorists combined.
Iran our enemy? The Taliban? Al Queda?
Perhaps. However, if the actual body count is considered Mexico is our greatest enemy since around 60 per cent of the invading barbarian horde originates there and the apartheid-like Mexican government encourages their lower classes to invade the USA.
Yes!!!! Mexico has a racist government that attempts to remove what is to them their undesirable population by actions and inaction that compels a large percentage of their population to invade the land of the too-often detested Gringos to the north.
Very nice. Care to blog here from time to time?
A liberal is just a person who hasn't been mugged yet.
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