Friday, February 27, 2009

Obama Internet Gestapo Takes it Up a Notch: Obama Supporters are Watching You

This story is beyond belief. Goebbels? Himmler? Perhaps this explains this blog's complete disappearance from Google's search results. By the way, bookmark and come back. Look at it like it's your civic duty.

Incredible story from CFP:

While the Obama-led Democrats control the future of the United States of America, the grassroots on the Internet (The Obama Forum) are in the process of turning in “enemies of Obama”, including the parents of children who are Obama supporters.

Obama supporting children have actually posted their parents’ names and addresses on the Obama Forum. (here).

In all of its searches, Canada Free Press (CFP) has found no comment from any official in the Obama administration repudiating the Forum.

The instructs people to “Report Anti-Obama Sentiment By Your Coworkers and Peers (here) and more.

From the Obama Forum: Ban websites with the help of officials (Italics CFP’s).

To get the ball rolling here are some of the sites:

Get the ball rolling here are some sites <---Opposing party <---Conservatard watering hole <---See <---Ran against Obama and attacking him now. <---Sarah "Carabou Barbie" Palin's "Political Action Committee." Here they are keeping a list and checking it twice...”Ok, if you see a car with a bumper sticker or anything about freedom or liberty or hatred for taxes or one of those “Nobamba” bumper stickers or anything that is against the government or Obama, do what you can to mark down the license plate number. Maybe the make and model of the car, I bet we might be able to get a statistical probability based on make and model to just go after all of a certain type of car. The government will have need for such a list pretty soon.
“I saw t his one this morning so I’ll start the list:
“License Plate: 1**337-Texas,
“Silver Cadillac Escalade
“Infraction: Ron Paul 2008 bumper sticker and a little “don’t tread on me” sign...”
I can't stress how creepy and dangerous this is. Sure they're lunatics. But lunatics reporting to lunatics? Well...figure the odds.

I will add, that either that site is a prank, has been infiltrated by a lot of very funny Obama opponents, or it's the scariest thing I've ever seen in America.


Ben said...

I am not one to pick on the big feed (and I voted for McCain), but the Hitler with the photoshoped head of a politician is really lame. I have seen a about 787 billion with Bush just like it. I mean come on Obama is much worse than Hitler- he actually has a chance of dystroying America before he can be stopped

James McEnanly said...

I agree. A termite might be a better choice, or perhaps a virus. Something small and insignificant that is capable of bringing down a mighty structure.
If these posts that are legitimate, it is frightening how many people in this country who are willing to be willing accomplices to a totalitarian state.