No doubt, their delusion is spurred on by their whackjob parents. I see the NEA hasn't slowed down its inculcation for America's children.
Thousands of kids detailed their hopes and expectations for President Barack Obama in letters and drawings as part of a worldwide project, with 150 chosen for a free e-book being released on Presidents Day.Look at this garbage.
Anthony Pape, 10, of DuBois, Pa., offered: "I hope that we will have no war ever again. I mean why are we fighting why can't we all be friends."
Seven-year-old Aaron Van Blerkom's letter was simpler — but no less problematic.
"Dear Mr. Obama," the Pasadena, Calif., first-grader began, "Please Make it rain candy!"
The "Dear Mr. President" project was a joint effort between the National Education Association and, which is putting out the book for use with its downloadable media player. A special hardcopy edition of the book will be sent to the White House for Obama, who has done wonders to bring the office of the presidency to life for young people.
Another child drew Obama as the "new sunrise of America." One made Earth and labeled it "Obamaland," and still another created the president's face as half dark and half light skin tones with the words: "United We Are One."

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