Monday, February 23, 2009

Is Obama's Goal Directed Chaos?

Joseph Farah proffers the following in an article at World Net Daily:

But it has been thought out. I want you to know that. This program, along with the whole of the so-called "stimulus" bill, has been considered carefully. No member of Congress may have read the bill. But that bill was written by someone. The programs it creates have been in the works for years. Money is being handed out to people who helped get Obama and the Democrats elected. Groups like ACORN, the shock troops and brown shirts of their movement, are being paid off with billions of dollars.

It has all been planned. And the goal is not to help the economy. The goal is to achieve chaos, because chaos leads to more government control – and that's what Obama and the Democratic Congress want more than anything.

They don't believe they should be bothered with elections or dissent or any of the nuisances of a free society. They believe they deserve perpetual power, because they are part of the enlightened elite.

They know socialism hasn't worked anywhere it's been tried. But they also believe they can do better. They can make it work, because they are smarter than the guys who have bungled it in the past.

In the meantime, prepare for chaos.
Mr. Farah's points should be well taken. I have said many times that a man cannot sell a message of hope until he has sold a message of fear. Mr. Farah's "directed chaos" theory speaks directly to that notion. I have to say, I underestimated Obama and his henchman. My thoughts were that the message of fear would end shortly after he achieved his goal - being elected President. I underestimated Obama's willingness to overreach and further his agenda at such a rapid pace. But that underestimation was based more on a faith in the American people than any lack of understanding of Obama's ultimate goals. I really didn't think that the American people could become so afraid, so fast, I was wrong. And Obama has seized on this explosion of fear, chaos if you will, and is pushing his marxist, power-perpetuating agenda at breakneck speed. We haven't even had time to blink and look what has happened to America. We have had our money and the money of our children and grandchildren stolen from us for no other purpose than for Obama to redistribute it to his minions and thereby solidify his populist/socialist power base. And it was done before any effective opposition could even be contemplated, let alone organized and implemented.

You can read the entirety of Mr. Farah's article here.


Anonymous said...

Wow. What does it take to wake up people?