Saturday, February 21, 2009

Santelli vs. Gibbs and The Chicago Tea Party

It's all coming fast and furious. So let's do some catching up for those who may have missed some of the fireworks.

Round 1:

Rick Santelli of CNBC Business News captures the mood of the country while giving this magnificent rant. Rick throws down the gauntlet for a Chicago Tea Party in July.

Round 2:

Robert Gibbs, White House Press Secretary, mocks Santelli. The arrogant jackass is s out of touch. Do it Giibs! Do as Santelli suggests. Put this issue to an internet referendum. And what kind of government is Obama's when they feel the need to respond to every news pundot who criticizes them. Do your damn job and stop watching TV!

Round 3:

Santelli responds to Gibbs' attack. Albeit in a much more calm manner. I would divert from Mr. Santelli's opinion here. The rant is not just philosophical. The rant is real and it is now. The can of worms has been opened. Don't go backing down now.

Santelli has tapped the pulse of America. Stay tuned for more.


Anonymous said...

Like I said earlier the party in Chicago is on for July.

Catch a Cubs game too. We should arrange a tea party night at Wrigley Field.